Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Luna is a mustang mare that I bought last winter as a project to keep me busy during the hardest, coldest, darkest time of year. She was captured from a feral herd by the BLM round-up program in a cold southern Wyoming region called the Red Desert when she was two. I bought her when she was four. She had been gentled and had bonded with humans, but was not 'broke' in any way- she hadn't even been taught to be lead. This mare absolutley loves humans, and prefers their company to that of other horses. She has been a challenge to train only because she sees herself as an independant thinker. She is gentle and forgiving, but stubborn as hell. She's only thrown me once, and we've been on many a trail ride, and have been working on basics in the arena and round pen using 'natural horsemanship' methods (speaking horse language using body posture and movement). In the past, I've owned thoroughbreds and trained classical english dressage, so going western with a cold blooded horse has been a new challenge. I actually prefer to ride her bareback with a rope halter or bosal more than anything.


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